The time is now. The green rush is on and popping. And Illinois is at the forefront of some of the most progressive legislation related to the legalization of cannabis. It is empowering and inspiring a lot of folks to get into the industry. And not just with dispensaries. There are so many different opportunities to be a part of the cannabis industry. From communications and marketing to sales and distribution, to all the ancillary products and services that come with standing up a new industry, everyone can have a seat at the table.

I have attended several cannabis-focused events this year to learn more about the social justice and economic parity measures being taken particularly in the state of Illinois. I am not a smoker as that is not my ministry, but I did recently have the opportunity to try some topicals and tinctures from a company called Wakanna. I am actually very pleased with the results. Along with my own personal wellness discoveries such as meditation, yoga, a routine mindfulness practice, qi gong, Chinese herbs, acupuncture, acupressure, cupping, working out on the regular, eating right, and so much more, this astonishing plant has a place in my toolbox for feeling better in my daily life.

I’m always interested in supporting minority-owned businesses that have an impact on the community. I invite you to check out Wakanna if you haven’t tried a cannabis-based product before. It was a great introduction. I see products all over now from the check out line in a PaperSource store to beauty products in Sephora. I didn’t know where to start to try something to see if it agreed with me. Wakanna was a great introduction.

Check out this link to learn more and to order a product to try. I really like the topical which has helped with my hip pain from running. Let me know your thoughts on the green rush and its impact across the country and particularly in Illinois.





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