The page has turned to open up a new chapter: a new year.


We’re back on an odd numbered year. Great stuff happens for me in odd years. Not that my even numbered ones are bad, per se, but odd years rock out for me. Maybe because I am a little odd. Not crazy “cat lady” odd but “not the beaten path” prototype odd. Perceptions (and assumptions) are a funny thing. I have no resolutions this year. Usually, I sit down and write them all out. I feel this year, God knows my heart like never before and will help me to achieve what he has set out for me to accomplish this year. It’s a tall order as I have some lofty goals to check off.

I am genuinely thankful to see another year with my family and dear friends. One of the benefits of getting older is learning the value of the following in no particular order: Time, Love, Family, Health and True Friends.

Time because you begin to understand how precious every moment is and you don’t want to waste it on bullshit.

Love because it is what sustains you always. Love holds you up in good times and bad. Love is all that matters. And we take it with us to the other side.

Family because you are able to know God is real through the care and concern of your family. Sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers, cousins and even play cousins.

Health because when you don’t have it, the fragility of life is laid bare. You know the true value of good health and the devastation of bad. It is a blessing to wake up and take an unlabored breath, to open one’s eyes and clearly see, to hear the alarm or car honking outside, and to swing working legs over the bedside and stand up unaided.

And True Friends, because these are people you place in your life who truly love you for no other reason than you are you.

German countryside

This year will be a year of gratitude for me. Thanking the Creator every single day for breath to breathe, lungs that function properly, vision to see life’s wonders, cognitive ability to do my job everyday and the current and future muses in my life to fuel my creativity. To unleash it onto the world. To pour into this world since I have benefitted so much. To whom much is given, much is expected.

The Mayan calendar may have ended last month but my new life has begun. No more fits and starts. A writer on fire with only my pen (keyboard) and published prose to quench the inferno. A true girl on fire.

Me in Germany

Hello 2013, how are you? You ready?

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