This year, instead of starting the year off at a fabulous party or in some far off locale as I’m apt to do, I spent it at home in comfy pjs nursing my treacherous head cold. I caught it somewhere between getting a deep tissue massage at a spa in Los Angeles and traveling back to Chicago connecting on a flight in the deep cold of MSP (Minneapolis for the non-initiated). I was so bummed at first because there were some slamming parties my husband and I were invited to. But, he stayed home with me and took care of me with tea, comfort food, ginger root, lemon and honey and Netflix documentaries. We even fell asleep before the big countdown Central Standard Time, although we’d already celebrated with my German in-laws over What’s App when they rang in the new year. 

New Year’s Eve will always be significant to me because it’s also the night my husband proposed to me in Santiago, Chile. It was one of the best nights of my life. Fast forward to 2017 and we are still together having a great time not only loving each other, but really, really liking each other. Married folk understand how important it is to like your partner. As I continued to blow my nose constantly and cough through the night keeping us both awake, my husband continued to take care of me. I came to realize that 2017 for me would not be about the grind, hustle, or whatever else “they” tell folks to strive for in a new year. For me, it would start with gratitude. Just being thankful for what I have. A warm bed to be sick in, food to eat so I can get better, family who cares for me and checks up on me to see if I’m feeling better. A mom who makes me black-eyed peas and greens to eat so I can start my New Year’s Day off with good luck from the old school book of black people magic. 

I am definitely going to continue on the road to success and I look forward to new, bigger stuff popping for me this year, but I will definitely take more moments to be grateful for what I already have. 

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