Most Honored Guests

Posted by & filed under California, Covenant, God, love, Marriage, Newport Beach.

My husband and I were recently blessed to be guests at a beautiful and unique wedding this past weekend. It took place on a yacht in Newport Beach, California, an idyllic town itself requiring more adventuring at a later date. The couple exchanged their vows as the vessel sailed into the water with the setting… Read more »

Fall in Love with Anguilla

Posted by & filed under Uncategorized.

When I shared with friends that I was traveling to Anguilla for Memorial Day weekend, most nodded their heads and said, “Oh, cool,” but I could tell behind the nod they had no idea where it neither was nor had ever heard of it. Someone even asked, “Is that in Africa?” No, not exactly. It’s… Read more »

Click Like (Love) for Paris

Posted by & filed under African American, Christian Louboutin, Crazy Horse, Effel Tower, France, jazz, Louvre, Paris, Pierre Herme, travel.

Paris. What can I relate about Paris. Words can’t describe my experience in the City of Lights. Live jazz, that museum (Louvre), cuisine that was delicious, private clubs, Galleria Lafayette (the mall) but above all, the French people. They were lovely and don’t deserve the bad rep they have. The first night in Paris, my… Read more »