A Letter to Lil’ Wayne

Posted by & filed under African American, artist, hip hop, Lil Wayne, tweens.

The social media space is abuzz over a video by two young ladies taking rapper Lil’ Wayne to task over his music. The video (http://theybf.com/2011/03/02/10-year-old-girl-raps-an-open-letter-to-lil-wayne-about-his-derogatory-lyrics) features two African American girls about in their tweens addressing the lyrics in Mr. Wayne’s music that over index on disrespecting women. The girls tell a story in their letter… Read more »

A Reflection on the novel The Help, by Kathryn Stockett

Posted by & filed under African American, domestic, Kathryn Stockett, Mississippi, movie, novel, The Help.

I recently read the novel The Help and had some serious bipolar feelings about it. On one hand, the story Mrs. Stockett tells about the relationship between white families and their black female domestics set in rural 1950s Jackson, Mississippi is very engaging and all in all a good read. And then I got to… Read more »

A Day at DePaul University

Posted by & filed under DePaul University, Multicultural, PRSSA, Public Relations.

Recently, I was asked to speak to the next generation of public relations students at DePaul University’s PRSSA (Public Relations Society Students Association) two-day conference entitled, “From Traditional to Digital: the New Ways of PR.” My presentation focused on Multicultural public relations, a space for which I am becoming a budding expert due to the… Read more »

Four Weddings and a Friendship

Posted by & filed under brides, friendship, love, wedding.

As luck would have it, I recently beacom engaged to the love of my life. It is truly a beautiful time and I am excited to become a wife, mother and dutiful life partner. As luck would also have it, three of my close girlfriends are also engaged and planning to be married this year…. Read more »