Etiquette. Is it still relevant?

Posted by & filed under etiquette, rude.

When I was a college junior, I signed up for a business etiquette seminar taught by a woman who held several similar events at colleges across the country. We learned how to interact during a business dinner – many lessons I had learned growing up. Simple stuff like waiting until everyone at the table is… Read more »

The Hell You Say?

Posted by & filed under bell curve, politically correct, racism.

Currently there seems to be a movement – a back lash if you will – against what is deemed the state of “political correctness” in our society. The fact that people now feel they need to be more sensitive and walk on egg shells around groups who may have been maligned in the past seems… Read more »

An Unbelievable Service

Posted by & filed under military, PTSD, The Hurt Locker.

On one of my more slow days during the week, I was searching for something interesting to watch on the t.v. I decided to buy a movie on On Demand. The Hurt Locker to be exact. With all the Oscar buzz about this film, I thought it prudent to check it out so I’d have… Read more »

“Only The Good Die Young”

Posted by & filed under death, life, purpose.

Billy Joel’s song popped into my head this week: Only the Good Die Young. I’m not a big Billy Joel fan and the song’s lyrics really have nothing to do with this post. But the refrain of this one particular selection had me doing some deep thinking over the past week. A school mate’s untimely… Read more »