Decisions, decisions…

Posted by & filed under radio show, relationships.

So, I have been asked to be a co-host on a local radio talk show for a segment dedicated to discussing male/female relationships. While I am far from being an expert on this subject, I do have strong opinions and viewpoints on this issue based on my own experience and that of other people I… Read more »

Time and Waiting

Posted by & filed under time, waiting.

Time can have a different level of importance to different people. In the grand scheme of things, to me, time is the most valuable possession we all have. We give it indiscriminately not realizing that when we waste it, we waste a part of ourselves. The amount of time we spend with our family…or don’t… Read more »

Eve of the eve

Posted by & filed under Getting started is the hardest. It's the first step..

I am beginning the Paige’s Ponderings blog project. A new and smart friend of mine has challenged me to blog and being one to never shy away from a challenge, especially when it comes to my expertise (writing), I decided to take him up on it. Not sure the direction this blog will take yet… Read more »