Leading While Black and Introverted

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Black and Introverted

I recently had the full-circle moment of participating on a panel talking about being a Black, introverted, successful leader with other Black introverts. It was a full circle because I don’t ever remember this type of affirming conversation when I was in high school, college, or even by the time I hit the workforce. I… Read more »

Wisdom and Growth are a Choice

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Check out my latest pod!! During this episode, I unpack some commonly heard phrases that as I’ve grown up, I’ve learned they don’t always ring true. One of them is you get wiser with age. Wisdom and growth in our lives is a choice we continue to cultivate on this journey. If we automatically became… Read more »

#FirstsOverForty Episode: Give Yourself Permission

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Holidays are tough on many people. What Lifetime and Hallmark movies present to us through the escapism movies (which I enjoy, btw), ain’t everybody’s holiday reality. So, I’m inviting the Firsts Over Forty squad to give yourself permission to show up how you need to this season and every day. Even as we enter a… Read more »