Do Your Part; Help a President Out

Posted by & filed under African American, America, Barack Obama, Chris Christie, community, Cory Booker, Inauguration, Martin Luther King Jr., Maxine Waters, politicians, President, Washington D.C..

First Obama Presidential Inauguration On this eve of the Inauguration ceremony, I am reflecting on where I was four years ago. I had the pleasure of traveling to Washington D.C. to attend the inauguration via a dear friend who started as a client of mine. It was a transformative experience. Being in the crowd of… Read more »

Click Like (Love) for Paris

Posted by & filed under African American, Christian Louboutin, Crazy Horse, Effel Tower, France, jazz, Louvre, Paris, Pierre Herme, travel.

Paris. What can I relate about Paris. Words can’t describe my experience in the City of Lights. Live jazz, that museum (Louvre), cuisine that was delicious, private clubs, Galleria Lafayette (the mall) but above all, the French people. They were lovely and don’t deserve the bad rep they have. The first night in Paris, my… Read more »

The Power of Words

Posted by & filed under African American, BET awards, NNPA, Public Relations, words.

Last week I attended the National Newspaper Publishers Association’s Annual Conference in Chicago. The conference brought together African American newspaper publishers across the country featuring engaging remarks from luminaries such as Reverend Al Sharpton, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Cornel West, and others. During Rev. Sharpton’s address to the group, he mentioned how in recent conversations with… Read more »

A Letter to Lil’ Wayne

Posted by & filed under African American, artist, hip hop, Lil Wayne, tweens.

The social media space is abuzz over a video by two young ladies taking rapper Lil’ Wayne to task over his music. The video ( features two African American girls about in their tweens addressing the lyrics in Mr. Wayne’s music that over index on disrespecting women. The girls tell a story in their letter… Read more »