Who Have You Discovered You Are During This Pandemic?

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Who are you really? Have you been able to discover new aspects of yourself during this time of quarantine? I have had several key learnings and have leaned into the self-discovery process. I share some of my findings as well as some more firsts in the latest episode of #FirstsOverForty. Check it out and share… Read more »

Love in the Time of Coronavirus

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In this episode, I invited my husband, Munson Steed, CEO and Founder of RollingOut.com,  to chat about how we as a married couple have been navigating being #alonetogether during this COVID-19 crisis. We discuss our emotions and strategies to stay connected long-distance while continuing to be advocates and leaders #fortheculture. He’s a media guy and… Read more »

Paige’s Pandemic Pondering

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In this episode, I talk about my reflections during this Covid-19 pandemic. I offer some info that has been helpful to me and my circle to stay lifted and serve others. I also feature a chat with my first podcast guest, Fabia Talhame, who is a part of my friend tribe. The conversation was recorded… Read more »

Firsts Over Forty Podcast Season 2: Words Mean Things

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Hey, 2020! Hope everyone has been enjoying this new decade thus far. Season 2 of my podcast First Over Forty is here. In this episode, I talk about the power of our words. Words mean things in our lives; in this world, we are navigating where there are more ways available to express ourselves on… Read more »