On Wellness, Cannabis and Social Justice in Illinois

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The time is now. The green rush is on and popping. And Illinois is at the forefront of some of the most progressive legislation related to the legalization of cannabis. It is empowering and inspiring a lot of folks to get into the industry. And not just with dispensaries. There are so many different opportunities… Read more »

The Importance of Taking Breaks

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You may think you know that taking a break is important. Your brain knows it. But how often do you take a break, really? Do you wait until the weekend to sleep late and then run all of your errands, party, and then realize it’s Sunday night already and you need to be ready for… Read more »

Be Kind, Always. Because You Just Never Know…

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In my latest episode of Firsts Over Forty, I share some recent fun firsts, talk about my experience at the highly successful and educational RIDE Conference in Atlanta, and I share a recent transformative experience with my Lyft driver. It was my lesson to learn on an arbitrary trip to the airport, that we must… Read more »