Legacy, Heritage and Museums: My Connection

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  I have always been fascinated with the study of history. I want to know how systems, institutions, beliefs, companies, etc. came to be. What was their trajectory? How does their yesterday pull through to today? That’s why I do alot of reading and enjoy spending time at museums and libraries. So when my husband… Read more »

A Tribute to my Grandmother

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My last grandparent on this Earth recently passed away. There is nothing more adult than dealing with death. Additionally, you know you are seriously grown when you are asked to write and speak a tribute to your family member at their funeral. I was certainly honored to do this and very nervous as well. I… Read more »

Leadership and Full Circle Moments: A Reflection

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Last Monday, I had the opportunity to participate in a panel at DePaul University with other women leaders in the field of communications.I love speaking on panels and having discussions, not just about topics in my industry, but topics that deal with defining traits of who I am now. I’m a leader in this field…. Read more »