When I was a college junior, I signed up for a business etiquette seminar taught by a woman who held several similar events at colleges across the country. We learned how to interact during a business dinner – many lessons I had learned growing up. Simple stuff like waiting until everyone at the table is served before eating, which fork to use, passing of bread and polite dinner conversation topics. These very simple etiquette nuggets have stayed with me to this day. I always try to observe these simple rules and maintain the manners I was brought up with.
So is it me with my Emily Post lens or have people just lost the art of being mannerable? For me, here are some of the worst offenses I have observed. Please weigh in with yours.
1. People over the age of 30 who text important info instead of calling like a grown up person should.
2. Constant checking of a cell phone at the dinner table whether at home or out in public.
3. Spitting on the street while walking in front of other people.
4. Public burping, farting, nose picking, etc.
5. Not washing hands after using the bathroom. Seriously? In the age of H1N1, not the best move.
6. Chronic lateness. Y’all already know my thoughts on time. See previous post.
7. Men who don’t walk street side.
8. Cursing loudly and in public.
9. Aggressive drivers. We all need to merge at some point people.
10. Selfishness
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