I am beginning the Paige’s Ponderings blog project. A new and smart friend of mine has challenged me to blog and being one to never shy away from a challenge, especially when it comes to my expertise (writing), I decided to take him up on it.
Not sure the direction this blog will take yet but what I have found during my indoctrination process to the Facebook and Twitter spheres is that I love commenting on “stuff”and if I concentrate long enough, I have more to say then what the status bars allow me to post.
So, my initial thoughts about this blog’s content is that it will include my observations on various and sundry things that I experience and observe. And ultimate, what I feel needs to be commented on.
I’m hoping this will also light a fire under me to finally get the GD book in a readable form and not just this really great conceptual piece longing to see the light of day. Hell, if Sarah Palin can write a book, uh why can’t I? Maybe not the best muse but there is hope in all kinds of dark places.
So here we go! And special thanks to that friend who said “Get your blog going in 2010!” Much obliged!
– P.
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