This past July, I decided to challenge myself with a 30-day detox with Karyn Calabrese. I paid my money and I kept an open mind. Open to knowledge about real and fake food, and reconnecting with my body. I learned so many new ways to take care of myself with the right foods. I began to understand the reason why my body reacted the way it did to milk and dairy products – because I wasn’t supposed to be consuming them! I learned how great raw food can be and how I can quiet the cravings for sugar and junk, and why I was having these cravings in the first place. I wasn’t an awful eater before this process but there is always room for improvement and education in any facet of your life. I began to pay more attention to labels and food marketing which can contribute to the feeling of wanting to eat something you don’t need to eat.
My learnings spilled over into my family who wanted to know more about what I was doing and get involved themselves. This detox is the first step in my quest to truly live healthy and eat clean, not just for me but for my family who is present and the family to come. I ultimately want to be the best vessel for life to pass through me and give my children the best start possible with life-giving food and nutrients so they don’t struggle with illness and health challenges as they grow up to change the world.

This process also showed me the strength of my will power. In the span of two weeks, I had client meetings and dinners with food ranging from fried chicken, cupcakes, Garrett’s popcorn, baked fish, steak, etc. etc. etc. All this during my raw food period and my three-day fasting period! I even went to an event in the Hamptons that had no raw food – all cooked. Not. Even. Salad. Thank god I had packed grapes and raw cashews in my purse to eat. And I was satisfied! I didn’t cave in. I truly amazed myself. And I know that that will power was my inner God holding me up and telling me, “Girl, you got this!”

My detox has also allowed me to chart out my path for future eating with a 51 percent raw and 49 percent cooked lifestyle. I made my first raw pasta primavera last night and I’m hopeful for learning more raw recipes. I feel more energetic, more clarity, and of course, I’ve dropped some pounds. But the education itself from this process has been worth more than I can imagine. It is something no one can ever take away and something I can share with others. As the gospel song goes, “I know I’ve Been Changed.”

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