Reuben McCrary self drawing

As a part of my blog, I’d like to create an ongoing series. On the regular, I will feature works from my grandfather, fellow writer Reuben McCrary. I didn’t know my grandfather because he died very shortly after I was born. But what I have from him are pieces, poems, drawings, and other artistic expressions that give a glimpse into the man he was. One of our shared connections that has transcended time is that we were both interested in writing and publishing our work. It was uncanny as I started to read his work and the research he had done to get his work published, it was comprised of the same types of sources I had sought out to publish my own work.

I remember the first time I discovered his poems. I was a teenager and I was amazed that someone else in my family wanted to be a writer. To have access into this mystical profession that I wanted to enter into. My grandfather’s poems all have a musical undertone, whimsical sensibility with a bit of a Dr. Seuss flourish. When I read them, I can detect his humor, sarcasm, empathy, humanism, wit, and grittiness. So I kick off the series called “My Granddaddy’s Words” with his poem “Wonderland of Words.” Happy Sunday!

Wonderland of Words

Take your pick my darling, from this Wonderland of Words,

Which ones bring you comfort, which ones get on your nerves?

Some can make you happy, others make you cry

I may not use them all, but darling I’ll sure try.

Is it the words themselves, or is it how they are used,

That causes you to feel loving, tender, frightened or amused?

Are there some I can say, that will make you feel a glow?

If there are, say them to me darling, so I’ll know.

Is there an expression, that is pleasing to your ears?

If so I hope I’ve used it, throughout these many years.

I know I don’t know all the nouns, adjectives or verbs,

Just want to learn your favorites, in this Wonderland of Words.

Only those that turn you on, none that turned you off,

Ones that when you’re feeling blue, turn you warm and soft.

Words that had a meaning, you’ll know they are from the heart,

Magic ones that will bring us closer, when we are a part.

Are there some when you read them, are pleasing to your eye?

If so darling, will you please try these on for size.

You’re my love, my life, my heart, may these few words serve,

As an introduction to what awaits you, in the Wonderland of Words

Words by: Reuben McCrary

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